Chinese language translations and localization

Chinese language translations and localization

Many companies did not enter in Chinese market due to the diversified languages in all region of China .In other words, we can say that it was just because they did not have an effective localization plan. As we know Chinese is the world’s most difficult language with having a varieties of regional dialects. All these are obstacles for any foreign company entering in Chinese Market.  The official language of China is standard mandarin/ simplified Chinese  language (Putonghua) but the fact of the matter is even one third China’s population does speak only (Putonghua) and it is widely spoken by approximate 850 billion and the 20 major regional dialects are also used frequently

When we think about of translation of any documents, audio & videos in any languages. It is very important thing to check with the bilingual translator, whether he is able to write in that language as well as understand the entirety of text in source language and then translate in target language. Chinese language translations and localization

But In Chinese languages, even there has some distinct writing systems as Traditional, Simplified & Cantonese etc.

In China, Spoken dialects also varies by region.  The two systems are often used interchangeably in the same place. People may read and write Traditional Chinese in some aspects of their lives, and Simplified Chinese in others. Chinese language translations and localization

The problem was not only for foreign investors on account of communication gap, while entering in Chinese market, but also it was for Chinese companies entering in other part of world. But china had taken long back a great decision for learning English. As per datasheet from Wikipedia, China has made learning English part of its economic strengthening strategy. In 2010, there were estimated to be over 100,000 native English-speaking teachers in China, workers in a market worth three billion dollars annually.  In 2015, Chinese companies on the list raked in $4.6 trillion in revenues, $473 billion in profits, $25 trillion in assets, and $6 trillion in market value.

Today China has almost 2000 companies globally.

According to the 2015 World Investment Report published by UNCTAD, China has become the world’s largest FDI recipient, surpassing the United States. The country is also at the top of the 2015-2017 list of the economies most attractive to multinational companies. The absorption of FDI is part of the policy of opening China to the outside world

The reasons foreign companies fail in China

China is the biggest internal market in the world with 1.3 billion potential customers. It is a rapidly growing market (usually at least 7% growth per year). Even though the situation is changing in certain areas, labour costs remain comparatively low. With the development of the Western provinces (particularly, the Sichuan province), China offers new opportunities. Chinese language translations and localization

1. Non- familiar with Chinese market and culture

The classic example of this is eBay, the successful American C2C ecommerce giant that copied its American model to China and got completely destroyed by local competitor Taobao.

2. Chinese Language translations and localization

Why did Taobao win? Because Taobao  very well-known with Chinese people’s mindset and their daily usages of language. If we take an example of online shopping, then we must have a localized website in Chinese language especially in China. And people should be familiar completely with the products and it’s technical specification and most important thing is to read the other’s consumer’s review for taking a decision to buy or not? In this case, the best factor was with Taobao had started a online chat feature that allowed customers to easily talk to shopkeepers, definitely in Chinese language only . Ebay had user reviews, but it lacked the personal connection that Chinese shoppers were used to, so it failed.

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